Mr Chen Dizhong
Vice Principal, Head of Department (Primary Math)
Mr. Chen, vice principal of Greatminds School. He got his BSc. from Fudan University and Master form NUS. Focus on GM mathematics teaching. He has been devoted to the research of primary school mathematics, Mathematical Olympiad teaching and design of materials including P3 GEP and PSLE Mathematics for more than ten years. His patience and meticulousness are deeply loved by children and parents. Based on many years of teaching experience accumulation, Mr. Chen understands deeply the learning characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of children at all levels of primary school. He often maintains close communication with parents, remind and guide patiently, give students great help psychologically and academically. Parents are grateful. His students have won numerous awards in the Mathematical Olympiad Competition, including 2nd place nationally in SMOPS.
Currently Mr Chen is teaching P3, P5 and PSLE Math at GM.
Mr.Chen, Greatminds School 副校长。复旦大学理学士,NUS国大硕士。负责GM小学部数学教学。十多年来一直致力于小学数学和奥数教学的研究和材料的编制,包括P3 GEP数学和PSLE数学。他的耐心和细致深得孩子们和家长们的喜爱,可谓“圈粉无数”。经过多年的教学经验积累,Mr. Chen 对小学各阶段孩子的学习特性、强弱重点了如指掌。并经常保持和家长的密切沟通,无数次耐心地提醒和引导,在心理上和学术上给与学生很大帮助,家长们感激不尽。他的学生在奥数竞赛中获奖无数,包括SMOPS 全国第二名。
目前Mr Chen 在GM担任P3、P5 和 PSLE 数学的教学。