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Preparing for O- level Physics
and A-Math

18th March 2023, 8:00PM - 9:00PM

Online talk, Zoom

Dr Li Hongmin, our principal, and Dr Zhao, our Head of Secondary Math Department will be giving a special talk on how to study for two of the hardest subjects in O-level: Physics and A-Math.

Join us as we uncover effective studying techniques and strategies on preparing for O-level Physics and A-Math.

Please scan the QR of our admin to join the GM group and get the code on that day.


WhatsApp Image 2023-03-15 at 1.03.07 PM.jpeg
Pink Sand

Secondary School Curriculum and Studying Tips

Topics: Kinematics and Dynamics

Summary and examples on: One-dimensional kinematics, Two-dimensional Projectile motion, Effect of air resistance, Newton's laws of motion, Conservation of Momentum, Impulse,  Elastic collision.

Topic: Electric Field

Summary and examples on: Electric field strength, Point charges, Parallel plates, Electric potential, Work done, Various graphs.

Please scan the QR of our admin to join the GM group and get the code on that day.



Adorable Chick

Secondary School Curriculum and Studying Tips

For Sec 1 2022 students and parents


5 Dec 2021 Sunday (Zoom*)

3.00pm - 5.00pm

Please scan the QR of our admin to join the GM group and get the code on that day.



*zoom passcode will be released in the GM group at 9:30am on the day itself

Round Podium

2021 Marking Day Programme

20-21 October 2021 for P2 ~ P5

Note: New students are required to fill up both the registration form and the new student form 


26 June, 2021

华文讲座:2pm - 3pm

颁奖礼:3pm - 4pm


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How to learn Physics for S3/4 students 

30 May Sunday (Zoom*)

10am Lecture

10:30am - 11:30am  Trail Lesson 

Physics is believed to be one of the most difficult subjects in Secondary school. Hence, our workshop aims to share some Physics learning methods with S3/4 students and their parents. 


1. Is there a general problem-solving procedure for physics?


2. The large number of formulas is just an illusion. In fact, each chapter only has one formula. What are they?


3. Simple questions and difficult problems use the same physical knowledge. How to transition from simple questions to difficult questions?


Please scan the QR of our admin to join the GM group and get the code on that day.



*zoom passcode will be released in the GM group at 9:30am on the day itself


June holiday events 

GM欢乐六月,24点数学游戏,英语spelling比赛,华语成语比赛都受到了孩子的踊跃报名,角逐激烈。今年首次举办的“我们一起看世界” 小小探索家科学比赛,也收到了近30份作品,从P2到P6的孩子们踊跃can三。以下是各项比赛的获奖名单,恭喜同学们。希望同学们在假期里玩好、学好、休息好。调整好状态迎接新学期。

Our June holiday programmes:'24 points', 'Spelling bee', 'Chinese idiom competition' all received a warm response. This is also our first year organising our 'Young Explorer science competition' and we are happy to recieve nearly 30 submissions. Congratulations to the following students for their excellent performance in the programmes! GM wishes everyone have fun and take a good rest before welcoming the new term.


PSLE Final Revision Strategy 

29May, Sunday 2:30-4:30pm



This workshop is suitable for the parents of GM's current Primary 6 students as well as parents of GM forum Primary 6 students. 

Key points:

1. How to adapt and prepare your child for the new AL grading system 


2. Final revision strategy (including June holiday, Term 3 and September holiday) 

最后阶段的复习策略,包括6月假期,T3 以及9月假期的安排

3. How learn effectively online


4. How you can guide your child in developing a revision plan 



Please scan the QR of our admin to join the GM group and get the code on that day.




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Dark Ocean

Why is Primary 5 so important?


23 May, Sunday 4:45-6:45pm 


1. What are the key learning points of each subject?  
2. How to balance the four main subjects under the new AL system? 

With these common concerns that parents have in mind, we will share with you the teaching experience of our four teachers Mr Chen, Mr Kwok, Ms Hey and 张老师 in the coming weekend.  Parents of P5 are welcome to join us in the discussion.

1. 各个科目学习的重要点在哪里?
2. 在新的AL制度下四门主课间怎么来平衡?


希望带着这些家长关心的问题,跟大家分享我们四位老师Mr Chen,Mr Kwok, Ms Hey和张老师的教学心得。欢迎小五家长们加入我们一起讨论。


Please scan the QR of our admin to join the GM group and get the code on that day.



P3 Parent meeting 

9th May 2021

At the end of term 2, we held an online parent meeting for parents of P3 students to bridge communication between parents and the school. Mr Chen, Ms Hey, and Ms Kim shared with the parents their children's learning in the respective subjects as well as some teaching experiences.

在term 2 将要结束的时候,举行了P3学生的网上家长会,以便更好地建立起父母跟学校之间的桥梁。Mr Chen,Ms Hey,Ms Kim分别和家长分享了孩子们的各科学习情况和我们的教学心得,和家长们互动良好。

Campers in the Woods

Parents' workshop 9 May (Sun) 2021 8:30pm-9:30pm

Please contact our admin by scanning the QR code in the poster 

to sign up.

How to improve your English?


How to study Primary School Science effectively?

Parents' workshop 25 April 2021 20:00 - 21:30

Our workshop is free for all current students' parents!


If your child is not currently studying at Greatminds School, worry 

not! We welcome you with open arms! All you have to do is repost

this poster on Facebook/ Instagram and gather 20 likes on your post.


After you have done so, please take a screenshot and send it to our

Admin by either scanning the QR code in the poster or email us at Our Admin will then add you to our

workshop WeChat group for more details. 


Workshop: P3 Students 

30th August 2020 (Zoom)

P3 GEP第一轮结束了,无论是数学中的逻辑思维能力培养,还是英文的阅读理解提高,我们认为都是之前小三孩子学习的重点方向。Term4即将到来,我们想在这个星期天通过zoom跟家长特别探讨另外一个重要的课程:科学-如何通过科学学习来提高科学逻辑思维以及提升阅读的耐心和理解能力。另外我们也会在讲座上介绍数学英文Term4的重点内容安排。欢迎家长一起参与讨论分享。

时间:本月30日(星期天)晚上7.30-9.00,请扫码添加Admin WeChat 进群

Workshop: Secondary School Students 

30th August 2020 (Zoom)

各位家长,中学学习面临诸多挑战,校内校外各种活动越来越多,但成绩又无疑是最重要的一个指标。如何平衡各种活动考验孩子和家长的智慧。但纯粹的hard working一定不是这个时代的选择。我们正在安排一次中学生的学习方法线上交流会。题目是:如何用少量的时间拿到75-80分的成绩。主讲者都是本地学校的学霸。其中两人是S4学生,分别来自于RI和RGS,GPA 分别为3.7 和3.9。另外两人是大学学生。一个目前UC Berkeley大二,政府奖学金得主。另一个目前NUS双学位大三,Dean’s list 优秀学生。

1. 如何通过笔记和mind map 进行小结,
2. 如何做学习计划,
3. 如何用错题集帮助学习(理科),
4. 如何学习化学,
5. 如何学习物理,
6. 不同科目如何选用不同的学习方法/答题方法,
7. 课外知识的重要性
8. 如何根据科目的重要性规划学习时间和学习方法。


时间:本月30日(星期天)晚上8.00-9.30,请扫码添加Admin WeChat 进群


Shadow on Concrete Wall



Tropical Leaves


 30 Oct 2019


  2019年,博思书院第一届中二演讲比赛拉开了帷幕。经过一年的训练,我们中二的孩子们摩拳擦掌备战我们年终的演讲比赛。 中二的批判性思维演讲与作文课程结合了演讲与写作,引导孩子们从中一的主动组织材料并敢于发表自己的见解,到中二能够独立自信地走上演讲舞台。杜老师给这些青春期的孩子注入了更多的思维辨析能力,演讲技巧,继而带来更多的自信。通过对每个热点话题的分析,开放性探讨,帮助孩子们理清思路,通过实战辩论和交互探讨的方式,让孩子们看到事物的多面性,思考层次更趋向于成熟和全面。


Square Stage


30th June 2019


S1-2 阶段是孩子成长过程中一个非常重要的阶段,通常都会经历心理和学习两方面的适应过程。这个阶段过渡的顺利与否将影响深远。不久之前我们举行过一个家长讨论活动,目的是交流如何理解孩子面临的困难和挑战。这次我们请来了同龄人以及从中学走入大学的学子们,让他们来告诉我们的中学生们,摸索着前行的路,有艰辛也有幸福——方法,真的很重要。

Marble Surface


GREATMINDS 将举办“24点”计算比赛

29 June 2019 10am - 11:30am

In order for our students to have a greater interest in Mathematics & calculation, we intend to have a '24 point' competition. Calculation skills, we realised, is an incredibly important attribute towards building a stronger foundation in Mathematics. This competition is open to all P3-P5 students. P5 students will compete among themselves while P3-P4 students will compete in another category.




Greatminds School Educational Workshop Series 

Session 1: 13th May 2018*
Session 2: 20th May 2018

Regardless whether for local or new citizens students, Science is the most challenging subject. Students cannot guarantee good results for Section A and they don’t have any method to answer Section B well. In the following 2 Sundays, we will discuss with parents how to achieve A* for Science.

博思书院系列教育讲座之小六科学。无论是本地或新移民孩子,科学普遍被认为是最难的一科。原因在于A 部分的成绩没有保证,而B 部分的回答则没有方法。我们打算在来临的两个星期天和家长们探讨一下科学拿A* 的策略和方法。顺便再谈谈有哪些影响成绩的坏习惯。

Speaker: Dr Li Hongmin 
Date: Sunday, 13th May / 20th May*
Time: 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm (Limited vacancies)

Location: Greatminds School, 1 Commonwealth Lane, #07-24 Commonwealth, Singapore 149544

日期:星期日 5月13日 与 5月20日

地点:Greatminds School, 1 Commonwealth Lane, #07-24 Commonwealth, Singapore 149544

*Please only register for one session as they are the same.


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